Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm Alive! / Check In

Hey all! Sorry I have not been posting much lately, I have a lot of other stuff going right now.  I'd much rather be blogging but... well that's not really possible at the moment. I have a lot of cool stuff coming up so check beck soon!

Oh and if you have any eco-friendly tips, leave them in the comments below, pretty please :)

Polish Earthgirl


  1. thought you were posting swatches of the new zoya colors , i just watched the video and there is nothing here ..

  2. I just got this link from my brother, very cool product...reusable lunch baggies, that can go in the dishwasher!

  3. Jackie S- Cool site and a great idea!

    MYPINKRAINBOW- Hi, that post was posted a long time ago, you can click on the tab above "Spring/Summer 2010 Collections" to view the post.
